
外国人怎么学英语 35条干货经验分享

学习是需要技巧的,在找到适合自己的学习方法之前,可以先看看大家都摸索出了哪些有效的学习技巧,借鉴一下。 今天跟大家分享8位国外英语学习网站的读者,每人5条英语学习方法,看看哪些最适合你吧! @Ibrahim Jubran, Israel 1.First to try to be in an En



@Ibrahim Jubran, Israel

1.First to try to be in an English speaking country for six month at least and study there during this period.

首先,最好在英语国家待上至少6 个月,在那儿学英语。

2.To use all the words and sentences you have encountered, take notes.


3.Watch English TV (movie, news…) It is recommended to watch something with translation.


4.When you speak the language try to use new word that you've learned.


5.Go over your notebook and see that you didn't forget what you studied.


@Dana-Maria Onica

1.Have a strong motivation. I am very interested in literature, particularly in Japanese classical poetry. All my books are written in English or are translated in English. I write poetry in English.


2.Learn the grammar. One can do nothing serious without grammar, in general without knowing the rules.


3.Use English dictionary& thesaurus and learn the word, its derivatives, synonyms, antonyms.


4.Keep in mind that English means reading, writing, speaking and listening, at once. In this way, one can form complex connections between neurons and can improve the learning process. It was a time when I was silent in English, like a swan. Even now I am paying for this mistake.


5.Have patience, especially the patience necessary to repeat all the time. Forgetfulness is a cruel truth.


@Sadykova Kuralay

1.You should take some article in English and read it 20 times and repeat the process for two days... and then you have to tell over yourself. The article must be interesting for you!

找一篇英语文章,读它20 遍,接下来两天重复这一过程,然后自己复述。选的文章自己必须感兴趣。

2.If you are learning English grammar you should take several different sentences and sort them.


3.It's necessary to read several English stories. Fairytales, papers, books, and then write summary.


4.Have desire to study English.


5.Study English daily.



1.The best way to learn English or any other foreign language is to do like the famous American writer, the author of 'Hiawatha' Henry Longfellow did: to travel. In this way he learned four languages staying almost a year in each country (France, Germany, Spain and Italy).


2.Build your English vocabulary by doing something new, e.g., do a new sport, start a new hobby, play a musical instrument, try gardening, learn to paint. In this way you will like to know a lot of new words.


3.Learn to use specific words instead of general e.g., to walk (general)- to stroll, to trudge (specific).

学会用具体的而非宽泛的词。比如walk 是宽泛的词,而to stroll (闲逛),to trudge (跋涉)则更具体。

4.Find someone among your friends who knows English better than you and try to speak only English to him/her as often as possible; find someone among your friends or younger siblings and cousins who knows English worse than you and try to teach them.

找一个你的朋友中英语比你好的,尽量和ta 只说英语。再找一个英语比你差的朋友或弟弟妹妹或堂表亲戚,教他们英语。

5.Read English in the original without a dictionary first to understand the general idea and then you will come to like it as with every book you will get more and more of the context. Personally I started with a book for children.


@Tika G

1.Watch a film in your native language, try to remember every dialogue. If it's necessary watch it for the second time and then download an English version. The main thing is to be attentive! This is the best way to learn everyday phrases.


2.Find lyrics of your favorite songs on the Internet, translate them using dictionary and then sing the song aloud even if you don’t have an ear for music. Work on your pronunciation.


3.Turn on the TV, find an English channel, take a pen and a paper and write down the information displayed on the screen. It will be difficult for the first time but finally you'll do it!


4.Of course you'll have to learn grammar and read books with or without the help of teacher.


5.Finally, I think the best way to learn English is to talk with the native speakers. This will produce fantastic results in a short time.



1.Define one single purpose.


2.Don't neglect your native language (you must know it perfectly well!) - it's the foundation for any language you are going to study!


3.Always learn collocations rather than separate words!


4.Don't ever try to explain the inexplicable - memorize it!


5.Ask more of yourself rather than your teacher - you are the best teacher for yourself!

多问问自己,不要一有问题就问老师——你是 自己最好的老师!


1.Try to use English every day. Quantity is not as important as periodicity.


2.Read books. There you can find common phrases which can be used in your daily life. Say them loud to remember.


3.Listen to English broadcast. For instance BBC has lots of material. I love various how-tos and lingos. As in <2>, you are in contact with applied contemporary English.

听英语广播,BBC 就有很多这类素材。我喜欢听讲方法和术语行话的广播,同上,你能接触到各种实用的当代英语。

4.When looking for a word you do not know, always use more than one dictionary. My favorites are by Cambridge, Oxford, thefreedictionary.com and Longman. Sometimes you can find something which is contained in only one of the dictionaries.

遇到生词时,多查几本字典。我喜欢用剑桥、牛津、thefreedictionary.com 、朗文。有时候只有一本字典能查到某个词。

5.Do not hesitate to visit an English speaking country, if you can. A week gives you more than six months at home.



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